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We're currently catching up after Lunar New Year holiday. Need a bulk deal or special order? Email
FM wireless microphone kits and bugs from PMD Way - with free delivery, worldwide

Wireless Microphone Kits

Welcome to the range of Wireless Microphone Electronics Kits from PMD Way. 

Here at PMD Way we love electronic kits. This collection houses our range of FM wireless microphone kits for PA systems, fooling about on the radio and smaller untis for more clandestine purposes.

Please note that kits require soldering, so if this is new to you - order our basic soldering kit and review the following "How to Solder" Comic. 

Finally, if you have received a kit and not sure how to start - or have a problem, please don't rush ahead. Instead, email our support team at so we can help you complete the kit and enjoy success. 

And as always, if you can't find what you need - or need any help - or after a bulk deal, please email