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Monitor your hoverboard’s power draw with this Arduino-based meter/logger

Monitor your hoverboard’s power draw with this Arduino-based meter/logger


If you look at your car’s dashboard, there’s a good chance you’ll find an efficiency rating for how you’re driving. However, what if you instead ride a hoverboard? This functionality is certainly not stock equipment, yet Niklas Roy wanted to understand the power consumption of his transporter during different riding situations.

For that reason, he decided to develop a power monitor that not only graphs his stats when scooting around, but records the data for later viewing and analysis.

Roy’s handheld device is controlled by an Arduino Nano and utilizes a Hall effect ammeter for current sensing. The measurements are shown as numbers and as oscillograms on a 1.8” TFT screen, which can also be logged to the display’s built-in SD card. An RTC module provides timestamp information for these readings, which can be produced using Processing and overlaid on video.

If you're interested in making your own version, PMD Way has you covered with a huge range of parts including Arduino Nano compatible boardsLCDs, sensors, and more.

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