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This auto-adjusting PVC system lifts hand sanitizer to the perfect height

This auto-adjusting PVC system lifts hand sanitizer to the perfect height


You’ve probably seen hand sanitizer stations popping up all over the place. While this seems to be a good thing, if you’re not exactly average height-wise, it’s likely they weren’t exactly designed for you. As a way to help both tall and short, and especially kids whose height varies considerably, Jegatheesan Soundarapandian has come up with an auto-adjustable stand.

The device, which is made from PVC pipe, measures your size using an ultrasonic sensor. A platform is then pulled into position via a stepper motor and string, under the control of an Arduino Uno and CNC shield. This presents you with hand sanitizer (or whatever else is needed) at a level customized just for you.

Code and plenty of additional information is available in Soundarapandiann’s Instructables post, along with a simple “bonus” contactless dispenser module build.

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