The Engine Doctor: An ESP32-Based Web Viewing Interface for Critical Engine Parameters
from hackster.io
A project posted by Eric William uses an ESP32 with a custom PCB to allow you to view engine performance and sensor data from a smartphone. The system, Engine Doc, works for chainsaws, small engines, and automotive applications.
The original concept was to use the web interface for performance chainsaw tuning, monitoring the exhaust gas temperature or cylinder temperature and using that information to monitor autotune and track and correlate manual changes. However, its ability to measure temperatures and pressures is useful in various small engine applications.
The basic design is an ESP32 microcontroller with a high-temperature thermocouple interface that can be mounted to any surface that you want to measure.
The ESP32 makes its own Wi-Fi network that, when logged into on a phone, graphs data in real-time on a browser page opened to a set IP address. A separate BME280 temperature/barometer and humidity sensor can either be kept in the device’s box enclosure or mounted separately in an airbox.
The completed setup enables you to view live values as you test and tune your engine with only a smartphone and mobile browser. The post promises a full video and tutorials — coming soon. For now, it includes schematics, a parts list, and assembly instructions for hardware and code, as well as instructions for use.
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