The Huge Single Digit Clock
We never get enough clock projects, and the following by Mirko Pavleski certainly deserves a mention. He's taken the idea of a single digit clock to the extreme, and built a 3D-printed enclosure with very large segments.
Each segment has a couple of LEDs to provide enough illumination, with the current being controlled via transistor-switching and the obligatory Arduino and RTC. You can watch the build in Mirko's interesting video below:
Well done for another useful and interesting clock. For complete details, check out Mirko's Instructable page.
And if you're interested in doing this yourself, PMD Way has a you covered with a wide range of parts, such as:
- Arduino Nano-compatible board
- Real-time clock module
- A great range of LEDs
- jumper wires
- buttons
- prototyping PCBs
- 2N2222 transistors
- and much more...
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