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We're currently catching up after Lunar New Year holiday. Need a bulk deal or special order? Email

ADXL345 Digital Accelerometer Breakout Board

SKU 818132

This is a great value ADXL345 Digital Accelerometer Breakout Board from PMD Way. Free delivery, worldwide.

Used for detecting changes in gravitational effect over three axes. It is 5V and 3.3V tolerant and uses either the I2C or SPI bus - so it's great for almost any development platform.

Comes with 8 pin 0.1" standard header in case you want to use it with a breadboard or perfboard. And there's two mounting holes for easy attachment.

When using an acceleromter, remember that gravity is 1G, so when sitting still the Z-value will be higher than X or Y. Finally, the temeperatue will affect the value to a certain degree - again, see the data sheet. Equivalent to Sparkfun SEN-09836 but also 5V tolerant.


  • Selectable range of  ±2 g/±4 g/±8 g/±16 g
  • Embedded, patent pending FIFO technology minimizes host processor load
  • Tap/double tap detection
  • Activity/inactivity monitoring
  • Please see data sheet for additional features.

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