OpenLog-compatible Open Source Data Logger
Now available from PMD Way is the OpenLog-compatible Open Source Data Logger - a useful way to log data. The OpenLog works over a serial connection and can use microSD cards up to 32GB in size.
You can log all sorts of serial data, storing it to the microSD card for later analysis. A great way to keep track of your project's operations, environmental variables or anything else .
The OpenLog uses an ATmega328 running at 16MHz and draws approximately 2~3mA when not doing anything, or up to 20mA when logging data to the microSD card. The supports FAT16 and FAT32 card formats.
If you need to change or update preloaded firmware, you will need an FTDI-style USB to serial adaptor. Inline header pins are included but not soldered to the board.
Free delivery worldwide.
More information:
- Based on open-source design
- Tutorial
- GitHub Hardware Repository
- Schematic (.pdf)
- Autodesk EAGLE design files (.zip)