NodeMCU - Lua based ESP8266 Development Board with Motor Shield
Now available from PMD Way is the ESP8266 NodeMCU development board - a true plug-and-play solution for inexpensive projects using WiFi. The module arrives pre-flashed with NodeMCU firmware so they're ready to go - just install your USB driver (below).
Or you can now develop for your NodeMCU board with the Arduino IDE - so now you have an Arduino-compatible with WiFi for under $10!
This NodeMCU development board contains a full ESP8266 WiFi module with all the GPIO broken out, a full USB-serial interface, and a power supply all on the one breadboard-friendly package. The NodeMCU is an open-source project and you can find all the design files and so on from their github page.
This board is pre-flashed with NodeMCU - a Lua-based firmware for the ESP8266 which allows easy control via a neat scripting language - Lua - so you're ready to go in just a few minutes.
Furthermore this item includes the motor shield that can be used to drive two DC motors with an operating voltage of between 4~36V DC. Naturally you need to connect external power for those motors.
The shield also brings out all the I/O pins to 2.54mm pitch inline header pins for easy access.
Micro USB cable not included.
Using with Arduino? Click here
Useful links:
- ESPlorer - multi-platform IDE (Integrated Development Envinroment) for LUA for NodeMCU and MicroPython
- NodeMCU home page
- NodeMCU github page
- Lua home page
- Arduino and ESP8266
- Download motor shield user guide (pdf)
Installing the USB drivers
This board uses a Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to serial converter IC. You can download USB drivers from here. Once installed - in Windows, the device will appear under Ports (COM & LPT) --> Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COMx) in Device Manager.
Don't forget to check out our full range of Arduino-compatible boards if this doesn't meet your needs. And as always, all orders receive free delivery.
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