0.49" 64 x 32 White Graphic OLED - I2C
If you need a tiny, yet bright graphic OLED display for your next compact project such as a smartwatch prototype - then this unit is for you. And free delivery.
The display measures 0.49" diagonal, and has a resolution of 64 x 32 pixels of bright white OLED goodness. Driver IC is the popular SSD1306.
Interface is via the I2C bus, and the unit is both 3.3V and 5V tolerant - so ideal for Arduino, Raspberry Pi or any platform with I2C.
Click here if you prefer the OLED display without the breakout board.
Quick demonstration video:
Using your display:
Please run an I2C scanner program on your system to determine the bus address.
Arduino library
Use the ug82 library.
Arduino Tutorial
Click here for our Arduino tutorial.