16x2 Character LCD Shield for Arduino - Green on Yellow
This is a great value 16x2 Character LCD Shield for Arduino - Green on Yellow from PMD Way. The shield uses the standard HD44780-compatible driver IC, which is perfect for the default Arduino LiquidCrystal library.
The colour is white on a blue background, and you can adjust the contrast with the trimpot on the top-left of the shield. Furthermore the ICSP/SPI pins are broken out so you can re-flash without removing the shield. Please note that this is a 5V shield, so not for your Arduino Due or other 3.3V boards.
The five buttons (directions and select) are connected to only one analogue pin - A0, so you can read the button status without using any extra digital input pins.
For Arduino users, the initialisation line in your sketch needs to be: LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);, otherwise the pinouts are:
Analog 0 | Button (select, up, right, down and left) |
Digital 4 | DB4 |
Digital 5 | DB5 |
Digital 6 | DB6 |
Digital 7 | DB7 |
Digital 8 | RS (Data or Signal Display Selection) |
Digital 9 | Enable |
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