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ATtiny13A AVR Development Breakout Board

SKU 9039664

If you find yourself experimenting with small AVR micrcontrollers such as the ATTINY13A, then order this useful breakout board from PMD Way.

It gives you a solid platform for the 8-pin AVR - and demonstration parts you can use to verify designs. These include buttons, LEDs, and a potentiometer connected to the ADC pin. One ATTINY13A is included with the board.

However you can choose to connect or not connect these using jumper shunts and inline header pins on the breakout board. This allows you to connect your own external devices to the ATTINY's I/O pins. 

A DC socket is provided for connection of up to 5V DC. DO NOT EXCEED 5V. A USB to 2.1mm plug cable is also included so you can harvest 5V from a PC's USB port. 

Finally, the board has four rubber feet for solid use on a flat surface. To upload code, a 10-pin (2x5) IDC connector is on the board. You need an external programmer for uploading. 

Visit the Microchip website for ATTINY13A data sheets and more information.