L298N Dual Motor Controller Module - 2A
This motor controller from PMD Way is based on the L298N heavy-duty dual H-bridge controller, which can be used to drive two DC motors at up to 2A each, with a voltage between 5 and 35V DC - or one stepper motor with ease. The controller has fast short-circuit protection diiodes, and a nice heatsink to keep the L298N happy.
There is also an onboard 5V regulator - so if you're using between 7 and 12V DC to driver the motors, the module can also supply your Arduino (etc) with 5V DC. If you are using more than 12V DC, please remove the 12V jumper (see below).
Note that the module is not designed for using the hard brake function of the L298.
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Module pinouts - match the numbers against the list below the image:
- DC motor 1 "+" or stepper motor A+
- DC motor 1 "-" or stepper motor A-
- 12V jumper - remove this if using a supply voltage greater than 12V DC. This enables power to the onboard 5V regulator
- Connect your motor supply voltage here, maximum of 35V DC. Remove 12V jumper if >12V DC
- 5V output if 12V jumper in place, ideal for powering your Arduino (etc)
- DC motor 1 enable jumper. Leave this in place when using a stepper motor. Connect to PWM output for DC motor speed control.
- IN1
- IN2
- IN3
- IN4
- DC motor 2 enable jumper. Leave this in place when using a stepper motor. Connect to PWM output for DC motor speed control.
- DC motor 2 "+" or stepper motor B+
- DC motor 2 "-" or stepper motor B-
More information:
- L298 home page for data sheet and more