LM2662 Positive To Negative Voltage Converter
SKU 26629974
If you need a quick way to access a negative low-voltage rail on your solderless breadboard or prototyping platform, then the LM2662 Positive To Negative Voltage Converter may solve the problem.
Based on the LM2662 switched capacitor voltage converter IC, this neat board accepts a positive voltage between 1.5 and 5.5V DC and outputs a matching negative rail between -1.5 and -5.5V DC up to 200mA.
Great for experimenting with op-amps, XR2206 and other parts that need negative DC.
Using the board is easy - you have three pins:
- DC voltage in (V+)
- GND for both sides
- DC voltage out (V-)
There are two pairs of solder pads on the board to take note of...
- If you are running below 3.5V, you need to short the pads labelled "LV"
- You can alter the operating frequency of the oscillator with the pads labelled "FC". Leave them open for 20kHz, bridge them for 150kHz.
For more information about the LM2662, download the datasheet (.pdf).
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