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Manage your workflow with an Arduino-powered Pomodoro timer

Manage your workflow with an Arduino-powered Pomodoro timer

You most likely know what an Arduino is now - but what's "Pomodoro"? This is a technique of work management created by Francesco Cirillo - who suggests that you should spend twenty-five minutes on a task, then take a short break.

By doing so you may feel more refreshed and thus work more efficiently. To help you follow this pattern of activity, Rogier van den Berg  has created a simple timing device based on an Arduino help you follow correct intervals.

The countdown is displayed on LED numeric modules - however could be easily adapted to other display methods. Rogier's version also allows for different work interval periods to suit your own methods, as explained in the following video:

Quite interesting indeed - both the method and the timing device. Find out more at Rogier's website.

And if you're interested in doing this yourself, PMD Way has a you covered with a wide range of parts, such as:

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