ESP8266 ESP01 and W2812B 16 LED Ring Bundle
Have fun and create Internet-connected blinky LED ring projects with this ESP8266 ESP01 and W2812B 16 LED Ring Bundle from PMD Way.
Each order includes:
- one ESP8266 ESP01 WiFi-enabled microcontroller board
- 16 LED W2812B addressable RGB LED ring and connection cable
- base board with socket for ESP01, socket for LED ring cable, reset button and power connection.
You can supply the base board with 5V DC at up to 800mA, which is enough current for both the LED ring and ESP unit. The base board will reduce the voltage to 3.3V for the ESP01.
You will need a separate device to upload code from your PC to the ESP01 module. You do need to solder the three wires to the LED ring.
The ESP01 is easily used with the Arduino environment, within which you can use the Adafruit or FastLED WS2812B RGB LED libraries. Cindy is working on a tutorial in the next week or two, however email us if you have any questions in the meanwhile.
Free delivery, worldwide.
Base board dimensions: