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Super Sensor Starter Kit with Arduino Mega 2560

SKU 877768

If you need to learn about using various sensors and Arduino, then order this Super Sensor Starter Kit with Arduino Mega 2560 R3-compatible board.

Not only will you get started in the world of Arduino-based projects - which can lead you almost anywhere, this focus of this kit is to introduce a huge variety of sensors and modules that are found in many projects.

Through a series of thirty projects you will learn how to program in the Arduino envionment and use the included sensors and other parts to capture data from the world around you and interact with the results. 

However you're not limited to the projects - they're just building blocks that enable you to use your imagination to complete your Arduino projects. This kit also includes the incredibly powerful Arduino Mega 2560-compatible board - which has much much more memory, connections and options than the usual Uno board.

Furthermore - this kit doesn't require any soldering, so can be used by any age or skill level. And you are not alone, we're here to offer technical support with your kit and other parts from PMD Way.

Everything you need is included with the kit, and the parts are reusable so you can share the kit with others, or use the parts as a base to your own project. They're enclosued in a strong carry case which is ideal for storage or keeping the parts together when sharing with others.

Learn how to use a huge range of sensors and Arduino with the Super Sensor Starter Kit wtih Arduino Mega 2560 from PMD Way - with free delivery, worldwide

Kit includes:

  • Printed (and electronic) instruction guide for beginners
  • Arduino Mega 2560 R3-compatible development board
  • Mega Sensor shield for Arduino - facilitates rapid prototyping
  • 40 x female to female jumper wires
  • USB cable for power and uploading code (sketches) to Arduino
  • Super-bright Piranha LED Module
  • Digital white LED module
  • Passive Buzzer module
  • Hall Effect Magnetic Sensor
  • LM35 Temperature Sensor
  • DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
  • Digital Tilt Sensor
  • Photocell sensor
  • Digital Push Button
  • Capacitive Touch Sensor
  • DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • Analog Sound Sensor
  • Flame Sensor
  • DS3231 Real-time Clock Module
  • MQ-2 Analog Gas Sensor
  • MQ-3 Analog Alcohol Sensor
  • Water sensor
  • Soil humidity sensor
  • Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
  • PIR Motion Sensor
  • Joystick Module
  • photo interrupter module
  • 5V Relay Module
  • ADXL345 Three Axis Acceleration Module
  • Rotary Encoder module
  • Analog Rotation Sensor
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Pulse Rate Monitor
  • Reed Switch Module
  • TEMT6000 ambient light sensor
  • Strong plastic storage box
  • Technical support from PMD Way staff

Free delivery worldwide within ten days to four weeks.